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Hair Quotes
This section contains Hair Quotes

This is my natural hair color. I'm usually blonder but not that blond. That was a wig actually because I didn't want to make my hair blond. I have long hair but it's not that thick. (Quote by - Sofia Vergara)

The more and more you color your hair, [the more likely] you won't be able to color anymore. (Quote by - Elizabeth Lewis)

I've been in Austin since 1986, and I refuse to let anyone else do my hair. (Quote by - Stephanie Sullivan)

I don't have a lot of hair, but I'm willing to do that. (Quote by - Bryan Winkler)

We chop off hair they chop off hands. (Quote by - Menzies Campbell)

What I heard, unfortunately, was more legal hair-splitting. (Quote by - Elton Gallegly)

I love having messy hair. I put in a lot of effort to have it look as messy as possible. (Quote by - Kristin Kreuk)

When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return. (Quote by - Bible)

And when he polled his head, (for it was at every year's end that he polled it: because the hair was heavy on him, therefore he polled it:) he weighed the hair of his head at two hundred shekels after the king's weight. (Quote by - Bible)

I can see him. With vine leaves in his hair. (Quote by - Henrik Ibsen)

I wanted her to look clean. Her hair is loosely up. She's just, like, I threw my hair up, my all-star T-shirt, and I am cool. It's all easy and relaxed because she is still young at this point. (Quote by - Scott Barnes)

Kansas didn't just cut our hair. They shaved our head. They scored 196 or 96 or one or the other on us. It'll take a tremendous effort to slow them down and change that. (Quote by - Barry Collier)

We had one blond, but she dyed her hair brown. (Quote by - Tonika Simmons)

I have a lot less hair and lot more gray ones at that. I think we were all caught up in it to some degree or another, and I certainly hope that I am far smarter and far more humble than I was then. (Quote by - Dan Levitan)

After Chris' funeral I decided to grow my hair. Then a month later my uncle died of cancer. That was a hard hit to me. At first no one really knew why I was growing out my hair, but as they found out they understood. (Quote by - Chadd Little)

Oh sure, Ray loves to get his hair cut. Loves it. He's still vain that way. He wouldn't dream of going anywhere without going to the barbershop. Whenever he'd go to New York, that was the first thing he'd do. (Quote by - Sid Lockitch)

He (didn't) really even have one gray hair in his head. I look older than him. (Quote by - Sukhjinder Singh)

Prejudice is like a hair across your cheek. You can't see it, you can't find it with your fingers, but you keep brushing at it because the feel of it is irritating. (Quote by - Marian Anderson)

Maybe it's the hair. Maybe it's the teeth. Maybe it's the intellect. No, it's the hair. (Quote by - Tom Shales)

That's why I cut my hair so short. It was getting a little gray. (Quote by - Joe Girardi)

The farmer's daughter hath soft brown hair (Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese) And I met with a ballad, I can't say where, That wholly consisted of lines like these. (Quote by - Charles Stuart Calverley)

We've had a member whose leg was carved up as they took a sample of leg hair. (Quote by - Ed Mullins)

He was a hair away from starting last year, so we feel real good about our keeper situation. (Quote by - Don Ideran)

Fess Parker, when he played Davey Crockett, he had long hair. In Lubbock, everybody had to have a flat-top or you would get beat up. So here was The Beatles looking like Davey Crockett! It was like a combination of Davey Crockett and music! (Quote by - Bob Livingston)

The sponge gives it [the illusory hair] texture, and then you can just wipe it off. (Quote by - Debbie Walker)

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