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Affirmation Quotes
This section contains Affirmation Quotes

When I talk about doing affirmations, I mean consciously choosing words that will either help eliminate something from your life or help create something new in your life. (Quote by - Louise L. Hay)

Humour is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him. (Quote by - Romain Gary)

I most remember the Black faculty lunches he would host while working as the faculty assistant for affirmative action. It was the only place on campus you could regularly meet colleagues from across the various departments and hear about issues that affected our community. (Quote by - Charles Henry)

You become what you think about most of the time. (Quote by - Brian Tracy)

The FOMC minutes provided further affirmation to a bond market that continues to see the glass as half full. (Quote by - Stephen Stanley)

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. (Quote by - Napoleon Hill)

He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare thyself. (Quote by - William Shakespeare)

The 21st century will require a re-affirmation and re-definition of our alliances and international organizations. (Quote by - Chuck Hagel)

This past year's results affirmed our ability to scale for growth. (Quote by - Charlie Peters)

It is always easier to believe than to deny. Our minds are naturally affirmative. (Quote by - John Burroughs)

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself. (Quote by - Eleanor Roosevelt)

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